To preserve and improve the social, cultural, economic and environmental well being of Inner South Canberra and the Inner South Canberra Community.

Report of the ISCCC AGM on 13 Nov 2018

Presentations by ACT Government officials on a waste to energy policy (attached), and an update on the new bus network, attracted a range of questions from the audience.. There was support for source separation of waste streams such as Food Organics and Garden Organics (FOGO), and for composting and anaerobic digestion approaches.. No support was expressed for incineration.. There were concerns about proposals for establishment of a Processed Engineered Fuel (PEF) facility, which was seen as exporting ACT waste and emissions to NSW, and as producing significant quantities of toxic ash once burned.. Issues were raised also about the challenges of encouraging people in multi-unit developments to dispose of their recyclables appropriately in the recycling bins.

In response to the update on the new bus network, and on changes made to address community concerns, a major remaining concern was that raised by John Keeley, President of the Old Narrabundah Community Council, who said that the elderly and less mobile would be disadvantaged by the new bus network, as they would now need to change buses to go to Canberra Hospital and other medical facilities in Woden for treatment.

In the Annual General Meeting that followed the presentations, the ISCCC Chair reported on activities during the year (report attached), and elections were held for officeholders.. Marea Fatseas was re-elected as Chair and Gary Kent as Deputy Chair.. All officeholder positions were filled except for the Secretary/Assistant Secretary. We welcome any inner south resident interested in the Secretary/Assistant Secretary position(s) to contact the Chair at email

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