To preserve and improve the social, cultural, economic and environmental well being of Inner South Canberra and the Inner South Canberra Community.

Parking in Parliamentary Zone

The ISCCC has written to the Chief Minister seeking more parking inspectors to deal with the Federal Government’s intention to introduce paid parking in the Parliamentary Zone. More…

Consultation on Construction Industry Practitioners Policy Coordinator

Construction Services
Environment and Sustainable Development Directorate GPO Box 158, CANBERRA ACT 2601


Dear Sir/Madam

Deakin Residents’ Association Inc. PO Box 3310 Manuka ACT 2603

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Submission on Discussion Paper on Regulation of Design and Inspection Practitioners in the Construction Industry

The Deakin Residents’ Association Inc. welcomes the opportunity to provide a submission with respect to the discussion paper on regulation of design and inspection practitioners in the construction industry.

The background to the discussion paper notes at page 3 that:

“The recommendations in the (Building Quality in the ACT) report focused on areas of concern in class 2 developments. However, it was noted that the recommendations were also relevant to other types of building. The Building Act review applies to all classifications of buildings.
“Other issues such as documentation standards, certification of work at stage inspections

and mandatory inspection requirements under the Building Act will be included in a separate public discussion paper on the Building Act Review.”

We have taken the opportunity now to particularly address the role of building certifiers because the role they play in the planning system is critical to construction in the Territory, and the need to address observed systemic weaknesses in this area is considered urgent.

We have raised the role of building certifiers with Minister Corbell who has advised that it would be appropriate to put our concerns in the context of a submission to this current process.

We welcome appropriate urban intensification, but note that the garden city character of inner south Canberra – especially – is being compromised by some inappropriate development.

Page 17 of the discussion paper notes:

“The industry is made up of a melange of practitioners, occupational sectors and providers of diverse goods and services that interact in myriad ways. People in the industry do not have uniform skills and knowledge and are not necessarily motivated by the same objectives. In addition, each building project is different and will have its own issues and problems. This makes it difficult for “the industry” to self regulate, or self-correct when problems are identified.”

This is a key reason why the public needs to have confidence in the role of building certifiers. I am happy to be contacted on 041 226 0501 to discuss matters raised in this submission.

Yours faithfully

Peter Wurfel
Deakin Residents’ Association Inc.

28th February 2014

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