To preserve and improve the social, cultural, economic and environmental well being of Inner South Canberra and the Inner South Canberra Community.

Newsletter – December 2010

Thank you for taking an interest in the Inner South Canberra Community Council. We are sending this email to let you know about the main activities of the ISCCC over the last six months since our inaugural meeting in July.

During this time we have:

  • Had the inaugual Council meeting in July, at which the Constitution was accepted with some modifications and at which the office bearers were elected.
  • Run two well attended public sessions on general planning and Kingston, but which also covered a number of other matters raised by participants
  • Met as a Committee each month
  • Had the ISCCC Chair invited as a community representative onto the Ministerial 2010 Territory Plan Code Review reference group.  This group has initially reviewed Draft Variations 301 and 303
  • Been formally recognised as a Community Council, for the purposes of Government consultation, funding and insurance
  • Made a submission to Government on the Clean Economy Strategy,
  • Drafted a submission on the intergovernmental committee report on parking management in Parkes, Barton and Russell
  • Established a monthly column in the City News
  • Attended the Combined Community Councils meeting on 20 November
  • Supported Associate Member groups’ submissions to government
  • Attended  St Paul’s Manuka fete to promote the ISCCC

The following residents’ groups and individuals have attended committee meetings as Associate and Ordinary Members: Griffith Narrabundah Community Association, Old Narrabundah Community Council Inc and Yarralumla Residents Association, Anne Forrest and Marea Fatseas.  The following are the office bearers of the ISCCC:  Chair – Kevin Gill, Vice Chair – Gary Kent, Secretary – Sue Ross, Treasurer – L Thompson

As noted at each opportunity the Committee is keen to assist residents in other inner south Canberra areas to establish their own residents group.

And right at the end of the year we were pleased to congratulate the Old Narrabundah Community Council Inc on the Minister for Planning’s decision to deny the proposed development at the Vikings Golf Course. Attached for your information is the Chronicle article and a message from the Chair of the Capital Golf Course Action Group.

We expect to have our own website online early in the new year and I will let you know as soon as it is ‘launched’.

On behalf of the ISCCC Committee, I wish you a safe and enjoyable holiday period.

If you wish to contact us you can do so by emailing or writing to PO Box 3310 Manuka ACT 2603.  Your support as a member will be greatly appreciated – for further information please contact


Sue Ross
Secretary ISCCC

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