To preserve and improve the social, cultural, economic and environmental well being of Inner South Canberra and the Inner South Canberra Community.

ISCCC Public Forum 11 Feb 2020: New rules for green space/trees in residential zones, and light rail update

Join the ISCCC at our public forum on 11 February to find out about proposed new ACT Government rules about the amount of green space and number of trees to be required on new or redeveloped residential blocks in Canberra.
Have your say on whether the new rules are the best way to provide for the future amenity of our suburbs. Overwhelmingly, inner south residents have told the ISCCC in response to our recent online survey that what you value most about where you live is the treescape, incorporating street trees, vegetation, and gardens. So this is an important opportunity for you to help guide the direction of ACT Government policy in this area. Find out more about the proposed rule changes at:
The deadline for comments on these proposed new rules is 28 February 2020.
Have your say at the public forum also about proposed changes to planning rules about boarding houses and co-housing in residential zones, and about the proposal to make it optional, rather than mandatory as at present, for gas infrastructure to be installed in new residential precincts.
Also hear the latest update on light rail stage 2a from Civic to Commonwealth Park, and about the approach to be used to assess the environmental/heritage impact of Light Rail Stage 2b from Commonwealth Park to Woden.
Meeting Venue: Eastlake Football Club, 3 Oxley Street, Griffith (Duffy Room)
Time/date: 7-9pm, Tuesday 11 February 2020
Draft Agenda for the public forum:
7pm – Welcome and introduction
7.05-7.30pm – New rules for green space and trees (living infrastructure) on residential blocks: Lesley Cameron, Executive Branch Manager, Planning Land and Building Division, and Alix Kaucz, Senior Director Territory Plan in the ACT Environment, Planning and Sustainable Development Directorate
7.30-7.35pm – A residents’ group perspective on the proposed new rules: David Denham, President, Griffith Narrabundah Community Association
7.35-7.45pm – Climate Change and Sustainability Minister’s perspective on the proposed new rules: Shane Rattenbury MLA
7.45-8.15pm – Question and answer
8.15-8.30pm – Update on Light Rail Stage 2a from Civic to Commonwealth Park: Marcus Sainsbury, Director of Planning, Major Projects Canberra
8.30-8.40pm – Process for assessing the environmental and heritage impact of light rail stage 2b from Commonwealth Park to Woden: Gary Kent, ACT President National Trust, and Deputy Chair ISCCC
8.40-8.55pm – Question and Answer
8.55pm – Meeting wrap up
9.00pm – Close

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