To preserve and improve the social, cultural, economic and environmental well being of Inner South Canberra and the Inner South Canberra Community.

ISCCC Newsletter – April 2020

Dear Inner South Resident,
These are very difficult times – after the bushfires and suffocating smoke came the devastating hailstorm, and now the Corona Virus COVID-19. However, we are a resilient community and if we help each other, we will come out of this stronger and more connected.

Like other organisations, the ISCCC is transitioning to online meetings. Our April committee meeting will take place online and we will discuss arrangements for our next public forum, which will also need to be online. We will get back to you once we have that sorted out.In the meantime, below are several key COVID-19 resources.

The Australian Government has established a one-stop website and App. See:
The ACT Government has set up a dedicated website:
The new Canberra Relief Network will help vulnerable people in our community:
There are also valuable mental health and wellbeing resources, including:

ISCCC Online Survey
The ISCCC closed its online survey on 9 March, at which time 555 people had responded. We will circulate our final analysis of the survey results shortly, but in summary, the results have been consistent with our preliminary analysis of the first 300 responses. See and our more recent article in The Eastlaker (at end of newsletter).

Inner South residents group activities on trees, streetscapes, open space
The ISCCC’s online survey found that inner south residents value most highly our trees, streetscape and open spaces. As a first step in responding to this finding, several representatives of residents group “tree” groups have met and exchanged information on their activities and issues, which we have compiled on a new page on the ISCCC website at the link below.  Stay tuned for further initiatives.

Deadline extended to 8 May for comments on proposed changes to planning rules on green space/trees on residential blocks (Draft Variation 369 to Territory Plan) 
This is important, because ISCCC survey respondents told us that one of the key issues they want to be consulted about is the amount of green space on residential blocks:
See the Feb 2020 ISCCC public forum record/presentations for explanation of proposals:

National Capital Authority Draft Tree Management Policy
The National Capital Authority has established a target of increasing the tree canopy cover in its areas of responsibility from the current 33% to 40% by 2030.
Have your say by completing the survey at:

Landswap – Curtin horse paddocks and West Basin
What is your view about the Federal Government’s recent decision to swap some of the lake bed in Lake Burley Griffin to enable the ACT Government’s proposed West Basin development, in return for most of the Curtin horse paddocks to enable a future diplomatic precinct? See the Riot-ACT’s article and online survey:

Have your say on the new Canberra city campus of University of NSW
Have your say through online kiosk, scrapbook, workshops or by email/phone.

List of ACT Local Hospitality Businesses adapting to social distancing measures
Support local food businesses:

New Narrabundah Wetlands
The new Narrabundah Wetlands off Matina Street have been completed. Instead of holding an open day at the wetlands, due to COVID-19, the Molonglo Conservation Group is producing online material and self-directed outdoor activities.

Bus Network Changes postponed
Due to COVID-19, the changes to the bus network that were to have been introduced this month have been postponed:

Find out what else has been going on in the Inner South by reading the latest edition of
The Eastlaker

Follow the ISCCC on Facebook and Twitter for more regular updates. You can find links from our website at

Wishing you all the best at this challenging time.

Marea Fatseas

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