To preserve and improve the social, cultural, economic and environmental well being of Inner South Canberra and the Inner South Canberra Community.

ISCCC calls for better community engagement on local area planning

ISCCC Chair, Marea Fatseas, called for better community engagement on planning for our suburbs at a public forum on 10 September organised by the Institute for Governance and Policy Analysis (IGPA).

Over 400 people attended the public forum, introduced by Jon Stanhope, at which a keynote address was delivered by Jack Waterford. The Lake Burley Griffin Guardians  challenged the fundamental rationale for current development proposals for West Basin, and representatives of Woden Valley Community Council and Campbell Community Association highlighted many of the planning issues community organisations have to contend with currently. The IGPA’s Director, Professor Marc Evans, then facilitated an engaging panel discussion and Q and A.

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