To preserve and improve the social, cultural, economic and environmental well being of Inner South Canberra and the Inner South Canberra Community.

Government passes law requiring developers to respond to advice of design review panel

It is good news that the ACT Government has passed legislation requiring, from 1 October 2019, developers of new significant buildings to respond to advice of a National Capital Design Review Panel.

The ISCCC had made representations in early 2019 calling for such legislation to be introduced as soon as possible to improve the design quality of development:

The Design Review Panel is a joint initiative between the ACT Government and the National Capital Authority. See the details of the legislation at:

The Panel will provide advice on developments that meet the following criteria:

  • the development is 5 or more storeys, and
  • it is on land adjacent to Canberra Avenue (except for between State Circle and National Circuit),  Northbourne Avenue, the Federal Highway, or Ainslie Avenue, or
  • it is in a defined urban renewal precinct, or
  • it is in the Woden, Belconnen, Gungahlin or Tuggeranong Town Centres.

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