To preserve and improve the social, cultural, economic and environmental well being of Inner South Canberra and the Inner South Canberra Community.

Chairman’s column, November 2015

Whether Capital Metro ultimately proceeds will depend on the outcome of next year’s ACT Assembly election. The Inner South Canberra Community Council has not taken a stance on this controversial issue, as we believe voters should make up their minds for themselves based on the large amount of information in the public domain.

However, light rail is current government policy and we are pleased that the 25-year- network plan released this week does not forget the inner south. If Capital Metro goes ahead it will connect the parliamentary zone with Civic, Russell and Fyshwick, and with Woden via Adelaide Avenue.   We look forward to representing the interests of the inner south in future planning for routes that affect us.

The ISCCC is working constructively with the ACT Government in helping to ensure the future of the Manuka Childcare Centre beyond 2020.  Our main aim is to represent the needs of the many families who rely on the excellent service provided by MOCCA.

We were happy with the Chief Minister’s announcement of scaled down plans for the Canberra brickworks residential development, which showed that the government had listened to community concerns. The ISCCC has been recognised as a key stakeholder in the consultative process established to flesh out the detail of this project.

The ISCCC is already developing its key objectives for 2016 and beyond and our main priorities will be Better Planning Processes, a Livable and Sustainable City, a Healthy and Resilient Community, Transport and Infrastructure, and Natural and Cultural Heritage. We look forward to discussing with inner south residents your views about how we can make progress in these vital areas.

Gary Kent

Chair, ISCCC


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