To preserve and improve the social, cultural, economic and environmental well being of Inner South Canberra and the Inner South Canberra Community.

Chairman’s column September 2014

The next stage in the consultation process will be a series of design workshops, organised by the ACT Government following discussion with the ISCCC, to be held as follows:

  • Stuart Flats (Griffith), 13 October 2014, St Paul’s Anglican Church, Griffith
  • Gowrie Court (Narrabundah), 14 October 2014,  Griffith Community Hall
  • Red Hill Flats, 21 October 2014,  St Bede’s Primary School, Red Hill.

All meetings will be held from 6.30-8.30pm. Residents will have a real opportunity to input into future options for these sites. Further details, including how to RSVP, can be found here.

Another issue high on our agenda is the proposed Canberra Brickworks and Environs redevelopment at Yarralumla and West Deakin   The ISCCC and the Yarralumla Residents Association will be meeting the Chief Minister shortly to convey the concerns of a public meeting held on 3 September about the safety aspects of the asbestos remediation proposed for the site, including transferring more than 14 thousand tonnes of asbestos and other materials through Canberra suburbs to dumps in Mugga Lane and West Belconnen.

Finally, I would like to congratulate Chris Faulks on her recent appointment to the Board of the National Capital Authority. It is marvellous to see another Canberran join the NCA to ensure local interests are well-represented. The ISCCC values the role of the Authority in promoting proper planning and maintaining the heritage of the inner south. We will fiercely resist any attempt to water down its role. We value our national capital and want to see a continued strong Commonwealth presence in its future development.

Gary Kent, President ISCCC

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