To preserve and improve the social, cultural, economic and environmental well being of Inner South Canberra and the Inner South Canberra Community.

Chairman’s Chronicle column

from the City Chronicle 15 January 2013

This year is shaping up as a big one for the Inner South Canberra Community Council. There is no shortage of issues that, if not managed carefully by the ACT and Federal Governments, will impact adversely on the quality of life of inner south residents.

One of these is the future role of the National Capital Authority. The Authority will soon release the Review of the Matters of National Significance Discussion Paper for public comment. The ISCCC will respond with a submission seeking to ensure that the important role of the NCA in protecting the heritage and environmental values of our suburbs is maintained. As a related measure we will urge, as a priority, the development of precinct codes to ensure that the unique characteristics of our local communities are recognised and preserved for the benefit of future generations.

A number of important measures will be before the Assembly now that the elections are over. We will be awaiting anxiously the Government’s final decision on the DV306 Territory Plan variation relating to development in residential zones and engaging with our MLAs on the new Public Unleased Land Bill, to ensure community views are taken into account in the access to public parks, roads and other public spaces. We will also work to ensure that the local political parties honour their election policies promising more consultative and fairer planning processes.

The ISCCC will be providing a submission to the Expert Reference Group reviewing the size of the ACT Legislative Assembly, with a view to ensuring that the interests of the inner south in an enlarged parliament are much better represented than is currently possible with the very unwieldy electorate of Molonglo.

Should you wish to contact the ISCCC our email address is and website

Happy New Year to all of you.

Gary Ken


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