To preserve and improve the social, cultural, economic and environmental well being of Inner South Canberra and the Inner South Canberra Community.

ISCCC 13 Nov Public Forum, AGM & other news


Join us for the next ISCCC Public Forum and Annual General Meeting! Tuesday, 13 November 2018, 7-9pm Eastlake Football Club (Duffy Room) 3 Oxley Street, Griffith

ACT Government presentation on waste and waste-to-energy policy

Find out about, and have your say on, the proposal for an ACT waste to energy policy. This is open for community consultation until 27 November. It is important because the Waste to Energy policy will provide a framework for consideration of future proposals for waste to energy facilities in Canberra. Speakers:Transport Canberra and City Services Directorate

  • Greg Haraldson, Manager, Industry Development, ACTNoWaste
  • Lisa Johnson, Senior Manager, Business Development Unit
  • 15 minute presentation followed by 15 minute question and answer.

7.30-8pm ACT Government presentation on new integrated transport network

The new bus network will come into effect in January 2019 – ACT Government officials will provide an update in response to the community consultation process.

  • Judith Sturman, Executive Director Transport Canberra
  • Peter Steele, Manager Business Improvements Transport Canberra
  • 15 minute presentation followed by 15 minute question and answer.

ISCCC Annual General Meeting:  8-9pm

Following the public forum, at 8pm, the ISCCC will hold its AGM. Find out more about what the ISCCC has been doing in the past year. There will also be elections for the officeholder positions. The agenda is:

      1. Welcome – Marea Fatseas, Chairperson
      2. Apologies
      3. Minutes of last Annual General Meeting
      4. Chair’s report
      5. Financial report
      6. Elections to office bearing positions:
          (a) Chairperson
          (b) Deputy Chairperson
          (c) Secretary
          (d) Treasurer
          (e) Ordinary members (2)
          (f) Public Relations officer
          (g) Webmaster
          (i) Assistant Treasurer (optional)
          (h) Assistant Secretary (optional)
    1. Appointment of auditor
    2. Accept the nominees of residents associations/groups for Committee membership.
    3. General Business
    4. To nominate for a position on the ISCCC, join the ISCCC (if not already a member click for a membership form and then complete the attached nomination form and return it to
      You can also join the ISCCC and nominate at the AGM.In particular, we are looking for a Secretary and/or Assistant Secretary, to help keep our organisation running smoothly, for example by preparing summary records of meetings and public forums and respond to correspondence. If you are interested, email

Other upcoming events:

It is AGM season, with several ISCCC member residents’ groups holding their AGMs in November:

  • Red Hill Residents Group– 7 November, 6-7pm, Red Hill Primary School (Junior) Hall, Astrolabe Street, Red Hill, including elections, then update on local issues.
  • Old Narrabundah Community Council– 12 November, 7pm-8.30pm, Community Services # 1 Hall, 63 Boolimba Crescent, Narrabundah. Presentations on what’s happening at Mill Creek (by ACT Healthy Waterways) and community safety in Old Narrabundah (by ACT Community Policing) followed by AGM.
  • Deakin Residents Association– 21 November, Deakin Bridge Club, Duff Place, Deakin. Guest speaker at 6pm followed by AGM at 6.30pm
  • Forrest Residents Group– 27 November, 6.30-7.30pm, Forrest Bowling Club, Hobart Avenue, Forrest.
  • Kingston and 
  • Barton Residents Group– 29 November, 7pm, Eastlake Football Club, 3 Oxley St, Griffith.
  • National Recycling Week (12-18 November) – Get involved this National Recycling Week and go behind the scenes with visits available to a range of Canberra’s recycling facilities. With a range of workshops, tours and visits from home composting, food and fashion waste workshops, mattress recycling and even Upcycling studio open days there is something for everyone during the week. See the program of events at

Recent ISCCC Activities

Marea Fatseas

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