To preserve and improve the social, cultural, economic and environmental well being of Inner South Canberra and the Inner South Canberra Community.

Inquiry into an Independent Integrity Commisioner

On 15 December 2016, the ACT Legislative Assembly established the Committee to, amongst other things, inquire into the most effective and efficient model of an independent integrity commission for the ACT and that the committee make recommendations on the appropriateness of adapting models operating in other similarly-sized jurisdictions.
Deadline for submissions: 19 May 2017

No Plastics to Fuel (keep plastics in the loop, don’t destroy plastics and the planet) by CPR Inc

The ACT Government has formed an Inquiry Panel to look at the health and environmental impacts of the proposed oil refinery at Hume, ACT (Australian Capital Territory).

The inquiry held two sessions Monday 6 & Tuesday 7 March. Whether you were able to attend, or not, the panel members have invited comment so please send them your concerns and submissions before 3 April 2017 to:

Residential Solar Access Provisions

The ISCCC remains critical of Draft Variation to the Territory Plan 346 which aims to settle residential solar access provisions, and recommends that the DV be withdrawn and rewritten with an evidence based context.  The ISCCC has detailed its concerns in a letter to the Environment and Planning Directorate on…