To preserve and improve the social, cultural, economic and environmental well being of Inner South Canberra and the Inner South Canberra Community.

Access to Old Development Applications and DA Exempt Knock-Down Rebuilds

The ISCCC has asked the ACT Planning Minister to introduce two reforms to the ACT planning system, in addition to other welcome initiatives that have already occurred. These new reforms are (1) tighten up planning approvals for knock down/rebuilds and (2) place old Development Applications (DAs) on the Planning Directorate…

ISCCC Submission on Commonwealth Park to Woden Light Rail Project

The ISCCC has lodged this submission in relation to the referral by the ACT Government to the Commonwealth Department of Environment and Energy of the Light rail stage 2(b) project (Commonwealth Park to Woden) for assessment under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation (EPBC) Act. The ISCCC has called for an assessment by an independent public inquiry.

Recent ISCCC submission and correspondence about Fyshwick waste and recycling facilities

Submission in response to DA on proposed expansion of metal recycling facility in Fyshwick and a letter to Ministers conveying the text of a successful motion at the ISCCC’s public forum on 11 June calling for an independent inquiry into health and other impacts of the proposed waste facility in Fyshwick

ISCCC Submission – Waste to Energy

The ISCCC urges the ACT Government to provide a coherent policy framework for responding to waste-to energy proposals in Canberra. This should exclude thermal waste to energy processes and import of waste from interstate. It should focus instead on alternatives such as finding markets for large waste streams and ACT Government initiatives on recycling such as green bins.