To preserve and improve the social, cultural, economic and environmental well being of Inner South Canberra and the Inner South Canberra Community.

Have Your Say On District Planning For Inner South Canberra

The ISCCC Committee has produced a draft Inner South Canberra District Strategy, for submission when finalised to the planning Minister and Authority.  Attached is the latest versiont 4), based on input from the ISCCC member groups and with reference to the outcomes of the ACT Government’s Inner South Canberra district planning workshop.

This is now open for public comment.  This draft is also an item for discussion at the ISCCC Public Meeting on 14 September, which will unfortunately now have to be fully online, via Zoom.

ISCCC Submission: Canberra Brickworks Redevelopment: Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) Application No. EIS201900047

This EIS process provides an important opportunity to review the extent to which the planning for
the precinct to date meets important Commonwealth and ACT Government requirements, specifically:
• Commonwealth – in relation to protection of the critically endangered Golden Sunmoth
• ACT Government – wide range of issues outlined in the Scoping Document.

Read the ISCCC submission