To preserve and improve the social, cultural, economic and environmental well being of Inner South Canberra and the Inner South Canberra Community.

Parking in Barton

With upgrade work underway on State Circle, Brisbane Avenue and Windsor Walk car parks in Barton, local residents are expecting to feel the parking pressure. ISCCC Article from City Chronicle – 10 April 2012

Lifeblood of a Community

Manuka pool manager John Taverner has long been witness to our love affair with water. ‘All Aussies own this pool. I don’t give a stuff if you are fifth generation Australian like myself or you’ve just come off the boat yesterday, all Aussies own this pool, it’s the people’s pool.’

Self-Government Act under Review

A Legislative Assembly committee will review the ACT Self-Government Act, which could pave the way for changes to the size and make-up of the Assembly. The act was passed in 1988 and determines the whole governance structure for the Territory. It covers the size of the Assembly and the number…