To preserve and improve the social, cultural, economic and environmental well being of Inner South Canberra and the Inner South Canberra Community.

Nights of secrets cave under weight of law

From Canberra Times 5 February 2013 The Holy Grail – the scene of political whispers, late-night encounters of the powerful and the sometimes embarrassingly raucous behaviour of Australia’s elite – is closing its doors for the last time. Read more:

Foreign Affairs enters embassy row

From Canberra Times 4 February 2013 Foreign Affairs has entered the row over siting a new diplomatic enclave at Stirling Park, saying nations establishing new embassies want high visibility for their missions and secure tenure. Read more:

Dazzled just by looking at the lights

from Canberra Times 7 February 2013 In an earlier hymn of praise to the new floodlights at Manuka Oval (in illuminating action for Wednesday’s day/nighter between Australia and the Windies), this columnist mentioned that in their daintiness they were reminiscent of lingerie. Now it emerges that the lights’ designers, Cox…

Chairman’s Chronicle column

from the City Chronicle 15 January 2013 This year is shaping up as a big one for the Inner South Canberra Community Council. There is no shortage of issues that, if not managed carefully by the ACT and Federal Governments, will impact adversely on the quality of life of inner…