To preserve and improve the social, cultural, economic and environmental well being of Inner South Canberra and the Inner South Canberra Community.


On Tuesday 26 November, the ISCCC is holding its 2013 AGM. Do come to the Italo Australian Club in Franklin St, Forrest at 7pm. Attached is the Agenda, notice of a motion to change the constitution to enable internet banking., a nomination form and a membership form. Voting status will…

Chairman’s Chronicle Column

As a peak group the Inner South Canberra Community Council usually focusses on high level, strategic issues that affect the amenity of and quality of life in our suburbs. But it is good to remember that the things we take for granted about our local environment are often hard won…

Chairman’s Chronicle Column

On Friday 13 September the Inner South Canberra Community Council and a deputation of Symonston residents met with Shane Rattenbury MLA to express concerns about the proposed establishment of a new animal care and protection facility at Symonston, which will combine the functions of the RSPCA and ACT Domestic Animal…

Chairman’s Chronicle column

The past month has been another extremely busy one for the Inner South Canberra Community Council.  We remain concerned about the quality of building certification processes in Canberra and the process for approval of exempt developments.  We continue to pursue our concerns with ACT Government and will let you know…

Water Sensitive Urban Design Review including the Waterways: WSUD Code

The Minister for the Environment and Sustainable Development Directorate, Simon Corbell MLA, is inviting the community to have their say on the ACT: Water Sensitive Urban Design (WSUD) Review which will include a detailed review on the regulations impacting on water-related development decisions including the Waterways: Water Sensitive Urban Design…

Chairman’s Chronicle Column

Many matters of importance to local residents in the inner south are the responsibility of the national authorities, rather than Territory Government. With this in mind the Inner South Canberra Community Council will be seeking to engage actively with the ACT’s Federal political candidates in the lead up to the…