To preserve and improve the social, cultural, economic and environmental well being of Inner South Canberra and the Inner South Canberra Community.

Chairman’s Column December 2014

Canberra’s community councils have long been concerned about the management of concessional leases by successive ACT Governments. Too often we have seen organisations obtain windfall gains by converting their concessional leases to purposes other than those for which they were originally granted.  Instead of being available to the community for…

2014 AGM 13 November 2014 7pm

On Thursday 13 November, the Inner South Canberra Community Council is holding its 2014 AGM. The Guest speaker is Shane Rattenbury, Green’s member for Molonglo, Minister for Territory and Municipal Services (TAMS) , Corrective Services, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Affairs and Sport and Recreation. Do come to the Italo…

Planning issues raised with Minister

The Griffith Narrabundah Community Association has met with and written to Minister Mick Gentleman on 10 September 2014 about plot ratios, density definitions and the Omnibus Draft Variation to the Territory Plan. The Minister responded on 24 September 2014. Read both letters below. Letter to Minister Gentleman 10 September 2014…