To preserve and improve the social, cultural, economic and environmental well being of Inner South Canberra and the Inner South Canberra Community.

Red Hill, Gowrie and Stuart Flats redevelopment height limits

The Canberra Times 18 February 2016 Planning Minister Mick Gentleman approved an alternative zone change for Red Hill on Thursday to allow four-storey residential blocks. He also approved zone changes for the ageing Gowrie Court and Stuart Flats public housing units in Narrabundah and Griffith, which are also to be bulldozed to make way for new apartments.…

Manuka Oval development

The Canberra Times 21 January 2016 The Canberra Times’ editorial argues that the Manuka Oval stadium’s capacity will hold back much further development of the precinct unless funding for more capacity can be found. More…