To preserve and improve the social, cultural, economic and environmental well being of Inner South Canberra and the Inner South Canberra Community.

Light rail to Woden route

The Canberra Times 30 October 2016 David Flannery, a Canberra architect and a researcher in urban planning with Canberra Urban and Regional Futures at the University of Canberra, has written a ‘conversation starter’ on possible routes for light rail from Civic to Woden.  More…

The Inner South Canberra Community Council welcomes you to the 2016 AGM on 17 November

The Inner South Canberra Community Council is holding its 2016 AGM on Thursday, 17th November. All members and Inner South Residents are invited to this Annual General Meeting at the Eastlake Football Club at 3 Oxley Street, Griffith, at 7.00 pm. Voting status will depend on current membership. We are interested in hearing…

2016-17 International Cricket Season at Manuka Oval

The ACT Government has issued the schedule for four international cricket matches over the 2016-17 summer season (18 November 2016, 20 November 2016, 6 December 2016, 15 February 2017).  The statement also advises temporary traffic management arrangements and parking regulatory activities.  Read the statement here… Temporary traffic management plans will…