To preserve and improve the social, cultural, economic and environmental well being of Inner South Canberra and the Inner South Canberra Community.

Canberra at risk of being building plan black spot

From Canberra Times December 24 2013 Canberra’s construction industry has operated for at least a decade without architects in key areas such as multi-unit residential projects. An ACT government-issued discussion paper on the problem warns the territory risks becoming a ”lowest common denominator” jurisdiction, attracting design practitioners looking to dodge…

Parking issues for Barton

The President ISCCC and Acting President, Kingston-Barton Resident’s Association wrote to Simon Corbell MLA and Shane Rattenbury MLA on 16 December 2013 regarding the unsatisfactory parking arrangements in Barton. Minister Burch replied on 24 January 2014.

Manuka Oval 2014 Major Events Traffic Management Arrangements

The ACT Government has determined road closures and associated traffic management arrangements, and parking arrangements for nominated Major Events at Manuka Oval. Information for residents Traffic arrangements The events include: 14 January 2014: Prime Minister’s XI v England cricket match 20 February 2014: NAB Challenge Giants v Sydney (AFL) 12…

Chairman’s Chronicle column

The past month has been another extremely busy one for the Inner South Canberra Community Council.  We remain concerned about the quality of building certification processes in Canberra and the process for approval of exempt developments.  We continue to pursue our concerns with ACT Government and will let you know…

Water Sensitive Urban Design Review including the Waterways: WSUD Code

The Minister for the Environment and Sustainable Development Directorate, Simon Corbell MLA, is inviting the community to have their say on the ACT: Water Sensitive Urban Design (WSUD) Review which will include a detailed review on the regulations impacting on water-related development decisions including the Waterways: Water Sensitive Urban Design…