To preserve and improve the social, cultural, economic and environmental well being of Inner South Canberra and the Inner South Canberra Community.

Planning issues raised with Minister

The Griffith Narrabundah Community Association has met with and written to Minister Mick Gentleman on 10 September 2014 about plot ratios, density definitions and the Omnibus Draft Variation to the Territory Plan. The Minister responded on 24 September 2014. Read both letters below. Letter to Minister Gentleman 10 September 2014…

Yarralumla Brickworks and Environs development

The Presidents of the Yarralumla Residents Association and ISCCC have written to the Chief Minister (11 September 2014) seeking a meeting to discuss various issues arising from the the plan to remove asbestos from the Brickworks site, and the proposed infill development. More… Go to the  Yarralumla Residents Association for additional documentation regarding…

Chairman’s column August 2014

Over the past few weeks the Inner South Canberra Community Council has worked hard with the ACT Government and local residents’ groups to ensure there is effective public consultation on proposed variations to the Territory Plan which will vitally affect our communities.

Precinct codes

The ISCCC has written to Minister Gentleman advising the need to allocate ACTPLA resources to developing precinct codes, and seeking a meeting with the Minister.  More…

Chairman’s column July 2014

Governments come in for well-deserved criticism when they do not properly consult the community on development projects that deeply affect local residents.  However, bouquets to ACT  Planning and Land Authority which has initiated a very early consultative process with the Inner South Canberra Community Council in relation to a series…

Yarralumla Brickworks + Environs Planning and Development Strategy: Community consultation

The community were invited to provide comments on the proposed 1600 residence development in Yarralumla and Deakin, sponsored by the Land Development Authority, and located between Cotter Road and Adelaide Avenue. The ISCCC held a public meeting at the Deakin Croatia Soccer Club on 7 July 2014.  A submission has…

Chairman’s column June 2014

One of the biggest issues currently before the ISCCC is the ACT Government’s plan to build a massive new residential development for about 4,000 people on both sides of Adelaide Avenue, near where it meets Cotter Road, adjacent to the Canberra Brickworks.