To preserve and improve the social, cultural, economic and environmental well being of Inner South Canberra and the Inner South Canberra Community.

ISCCC Chair talks about the latest Technical Amendment for the Kingston Arts Precinct

Gary Kent spoke to Chris Coleman of 2CC on 24 November 2016 about whether the Government is advertising Technical Amendments sufficiently well and whether a Technical Amendment is the right method for the latest changes to the Kingston Foreshore Arts Precinct Master Plan, allowing a hotel and childcare facility. Listen to…

Consultation concerns over Kingston Arts Precinct hotel: Kingston & Barton Residents Group

Canberra Times 29 November 2016 Residents of Canberra’s inner south are concerned an ACT government move to allow a hotel to be developed at the proposed Kingston arts precinct was motivated by “maximising developer profits”, rather than creating a genuine creative hub for the city. More…