To preserve and improve the social, cultural, economic and environmental well being of Inner South Canberra and the Inner South Canberra Community.

No Plastics to Fuel (keep plastics in the loop, don’t destroy plastics and the planet) by CPR Inc

The ACT Government has formed an Inquiry Panel to look at the health and environmental impacts of the proposed oil refinery at Hume, ACT (Australian Capital Territory).

The inquiry held two sessions Monday 6 & Tuesday 7 March. Whether you were able to attend, or not, the panel members have invited comment so please send them your concerns and submissions before 3 April 2017 to:

Application lodged for Red Hill public housing precinct redevelopment

An application has been lodged for the Red Hill public housing precinct redevelopment.

The DA outlines plans for a maximum of 252 dwellings at the 53,600-square-metre site adjacent to the Red Hill shops.

If approved, the site will be divided into 122 blocks comprising 108 single residential blocks, 10 public domain spaces and four multi-unit sites.

National Capital Authority cracks the whip on Manuka Oval plan

The GWS Giants – Grocon proposal to spend up to $800 million on a Manuka Oval redevelopment that would have included 1000 flats, hi-rise hotel and hundreds of underground car parks will likely be the first casualty of the National Capital Authority’s assertion of its right to determine what happens along Canberra’s major boulevards.