To preserve and improve the social, cultural, economic and environmental well being of Inner South Canberra and the Inner South Canberra Community.

Water Sensitive Urban Design Review including the Waterways: WSUD Code

The Minister for the Environment and Sustainable Development Directorate, Simon Corbell MLA, is inviting the community to have their say on the ACT: Water Sensitive Urban Design (WSUD) Review which will include a detailed review on the regulations impacting on water-related development decisions including the Waterways: Water Sensitive Urban Design…

Chairman’s Chronicle Column

Many matters of importance to local residents in the inner south are the responsibility of the national authorities, rather than Territory Government. With this in mind the Inner South Canberra Community Council will be seeking to engage actively with the ACT’s Federal political candidates in the lead up to the…

Chairman’s Chronicle Column

The next meeting of the Inner South Community Council will be held at the Eastlake Club in Griffith at 7pm on Thursday 18 July.  The agenda will include a presentation on the new developments proposed for Manuka Oval, a discussion of the findings of the recently-released Atlas of Canberra’s Health…