To preserve and improve the social, cultural, economic and environmental well being of Inner South Canberra and the Inner South Canberra Community.

ISCCC Submission – Waste to Energy

The ISCCC urges the ACT Government to provide a coherent policy framework for responding to waste-to energy proposals in Canberra. This should exclude thermal waste to energy processes and import of waste from interstate. It should focus instead on alternatives such as finding markets for large waste streams and ACT Government initiatives on recycling such as green bins.

ISCCC expresses concern to ACT Legislative Assembly Inquiry about building quality

The ISCCC has declared that while some limited progress has been made recently to address building quality, for example the increased verification of skills and qualifications of builders, there remains much to be done. Any suggestion that the task has been substantially addressed is unrealistically optimistic or just political “spin”.

ISCCC Response – Canberra Brickworks Precinct Access Road and Dudley Street Upgrade

A comprehensive plan is required for existing congestion at the Dudley Street/ Novar Street  roundabout, the Adelaide Street off-ramp to Kent Street, the Kent Street/ Denison Street intersection, as well as the Adelaide Avenue/ Hopetoun Circuit intersections and the Dudley Street upgrade, should not proceed in isolation of these other requirements.