To preserve and improve the social, cultural, economic and environmental well being of Inner South Canberra and the Inner South Canberra Community.

Access to Old Development Applications and DA Exempt Knock-Down Rebuilds

The ISCCC has asked the ACT Planning Minister to introduce two reforms to the ACT planning system, in addition to other welcome initiatives that have already occurred. These new reforms are (1) tighten up planning approvals for knock down/rebuilds and (2) place old Development Applications (DAs) on the Planning Directorate…

NOTICE OF ISCCC AGM Tuesday 10 November 2020, 7.00pm

The ISCCC welcomes you to its AGM on 10 November to find out about the ISCCC’s activities over the past year, and priorities for the future. ISCCC members will also elect the ISCCC committee for the coming year.

The AGM will be held on Tuesday 10 November 2020, 7.00pm at the Eastlakes Football Club, 3 Oxley Street, Griffith, ACT, 2603. The meeting will also be available via Zoom.

Keep an eye out for ISCCC newsletter in your letterbox

The ISCCC’s latest hardcopy newsletter is being delivered now to inner south households, so keep an eye out for it in your letterbox.

The newsletter provides you with an update on current activities of the ISCCC, its member groups and other inner south organisations. It also provides details of upcoming annual general meetings of the ISCCC and member groups.

Residents groups and business unite in objecting to EIS for Hi-Quality waste facility in Fyshwick

The Inner South Canberra Community Council, member residents groups and the Fyshwick Business Association have all lodged submissions objecting to the Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) lodged by the Hi-Quality Group for the proposed Integrated Resource Recovery Facility in Tennant Street, Fyshwick.
See here the submissions by:

  • The Inner South Canberra Community Council
  • The Old Narrabundah Community Council
  • The Griffith Narrabundah Community Council
  • The Kingston and Barton Residents Group
  • The Fyshwick Business Association

Politics in the Pub -20 Sep 20

ACT ELECTION 2020 – Inner South Candidates’ Forum ELECTORATE of KURRAJONG Your chance to meet and hear from CANDIDATES seeking your VOTE Hosted by Genevieve Jacobs, Group Editor – RiotACT – Region Media Group
Sunday 20 September 2020 4:00pm – 6:00pm Harmonie German Club, 49 Jerrabomberra Ave, Narrabundah