To preserve and improve the social, cultural, economic and environmental well being of Inner South Canberra and the Inner South Canberra Community.

Brumbies housing project approved

From ABC News 5 April 2013

The ACT Government has approved a controversial proposal by the Brumbies Super Rugby club for a 131 housing unit project on the site of the training headquarters.

Sustainable Development Minister Simon Corbell has used his call-in powers to fast track the approval at Griffith in Canberra’s south.

Mr Corbell says many of the concerns from nearby residents have been addressed in conditions attached to the approval.

“I’ve had close regard to all 42 submissions made by residents in the local area,” he said.

“I’ve imposed a range of conditions in relation to parking, traffic arrangements, tree protection and verge management to make sure those issues are appropriately taken into account.”

Mr Corbell says the project will benefit the broader public.

“It will create more housing choice close to shopping and major community facilities in the inner south,” he said.

“At the same time, it will assist the Brumbies with their relocation to a purpose built dedicated sports training facility at the University of Canberra.

“That’s a good thing for strengthening the role of the Brumbies as an important sporting team.”

But residents of Griffith have accused the Government of abusing its planning call-in powers.

David Denham from the Griffith/Narrabundah Community Association says the planning process should have run its course.

“It should have gone through the ordinary planning process,” Dr Denham said.

The residents say the density of the units in the development will be too high.

But Brumbies CEO Andrew Fagan says the use of the call-in powers is warranted because the project has gone through an extensive approval process.

“This process has been going for a little bit over four years,” he said.

“There’s been multiple periods of consultation.

“The original variation to the territory plan that enabled medium density residential development to take place had all three parties in the ACT Legislative Assembly approve it.”

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