To preserve and improve the social, cultural, economic and environmental well being of Inner South Canberra and the Inner South Canberra Community.

Chairman’s Chronicle column

Published in the City Chronicle 19 March 2013

Access to quality health services is one of the most important issues for any community and inner south Canberra is no different. The inner south is not the exclusive preserve of the wealthy and privileged and many residents depend on health services provided by the community sector.  The inner south has a relatively high proportion of the aged and infirm and this has a special impact on the type of services required.

The next Inner South Canberra Community Council public forum will focus on the availability of health infrastructure and services in our part of Canberra.  The HealthCare Consumers Association, Medicare Local and other community health representatives will present and discuss a range of information on this important subject.

HCCA is the peak health consumer advocacy body in the ACT, supporting and developing health consumer perspectives and policy in the Territory for over 30 years.

The meeting will be held at 7pm on Tuesday 16 April 2013 at the Eastlake Club in Kingston.  We are keen to maximise your input into this important discussion and would welcome your views and questions either in advance or at the meeting. Please send your comments to Further details are available on our website

Finally, we are still battling to achieve any progress in relation to the parking imbroglio in the parliamentary zone.  Not only is the lack of parking impacting on attendance rates at our great national institutions, it is also causing spill-over effects in adjacent residential suburbs. Despite the best intentions of the National Capital Authority, the vested interests of the relevant government departments seem to have blocked any sensible resolution of this issue.  We will have more to say about this in coming weeks.

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