To preserve and improve the social, cultural, economic and environmental well being of Inner South Canberra and the Inner South Canberra Community.

E Scooters – need for hazard reduction

Dear Minister
I write to convey the ISCCC’s endorsement of the letter you have received from Advocacy for Inclusion concerning the hazards E scooters present for people with a disability, and the need to consider how these hazards can be reduced before any expansion of the current scheme is considered. The points made by AFI in their letter are reflected in the comments made to us by members, both those with a disability and older people generally, who find the scooters an impediment to their own mobility when ridden and discarded irresponsibly. We would add that it is common observation that existing laws, particularly on the numbers of riders and the wearing of helmets, are ignored by a substantial proportion of riders. Effective enforcement should be a next step before any expansion of the scheme is considered. Lax enforcement simply encourages irresponsible behaviour by the scooter riders.
I have copied this letter to the Chief Minister and to Craig Wallace at AFI.
Yours sincerely
Colin Walters
Chair, Inner South Canberra Community Cou cil.