To preserve and improve the social, cultural, economic and environmental well being of Inner South Canberra and the Inner South Canberra Community.

ISCCC Article from City Chronicle – 3 December 2012

ISCCC December message

The Oaks Estate Progress Association (OEPA) has recently joined the Inner South Canberra Community Council and on 25 November ISCCC Committee members were treated to a delightful tour of Oaks Estate by the Association.  Oaks Estate is an under-appreciated part of the ACT but has a small community very proud of the area’s many heritage values.

These are under threat from a proposed rezoning for light industry by the Queanbeyan City Council of railway land along the ACT/NSW border adjacent to Oaks Estate.  This, and the effect of increased building height limits, will potentially seriously compromise the quality of life of Oaks Estate residents and the local heritage precinct.  The ISCCC has taken up this matter with the Chief Minister.

The ISCCC held its Annual General Meeting on 27 November and I was delighted to be re-elected as President for another 12 months.  Congratulations to Anne Forrest and Sue Ross who were re-elected respectively as Vice President and Secretary/Treasurer.

A highlight of the meeting was the adoption of the ISCCC‘s 2011-15 Strategic Plan. The plan is the guiding document of the ISCCC and records its achievements over the past 12 months and its future plans.  Thanks to Marea Fatseas for her leadership in developing and maintaining the plan. You can see a copy on our website:

2013 will be another year of hard work for the ISCCC and there is no shortage of issues. Greater equity and transparency in our planning system, engaging in discussions on the future role of the National Capital Authority, seeking to ensure the inner south receives its fair share of government funds, and promoting sustainable development of our community are just some of the issues we will be pursuing next year.

Best wishes to you all for the festive season.

Gary Kent


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