To preserve and improve the social, cultural, economic and environmental well being of Inner South Canberra and the Inner South Canberra Community.

Early Access: Register now to attend new training in 2024

The Environment, Planning and Sustainable Development Directorate (EPSDD) is pleased to advise registrations are now open to attend a new set of training sessions on the ACT planning system.

 Training will start on 6 February 2024 and run to May 2024.

 New training will help you build the practical skills you need to use and interact with the planning system. The sessions on offer are:

  • Submitting a Development Application
  • Dual occupancy subdivisions in RZ1/RZ2
  • Achieving better design outcomes
  • Biodiversity Sensitive Urban Design Guide & other considerations
  • Understanding the public notifications process

 The full list of session times and registration details will be available on the planning website from next

 *Early access to registrations: In the meantime, we are offering you the opportunity to register for the first five training sessions directly through the Eventbrite pages, via the below links:

 Our trainers and technical experts will be available to address any questions or concerns you may have during the sessions.

For additional session dates, visit ACT Government Events | Eventbrite and select your preferred date and time.


In preparation for the training, we encourage you to review the training materials and Resources available on Training and education – Environment, Planning and Sustainable Development Directorate – Planning ( These resources will provide you with a refreshed understanding of the new planning system.