To preserve and improve the social, cultural, economic and environmental well being of Inner South Canberra and the Inner South Canberra Community.

ISCCC PUBLIC FORUM “ACT Election 2024 – what are the Inner South’s priorities ?”
Keep the Date 26 Feb 7pm

Keep the date Public Forum 26 February, 7pm Eastlakes Footballl Club, 3 Oxley St, Griffith

What issues would you like to put on the table?  Planning,housing, transport, help for young people, the elderly or minority communities? Or something else?

Help us to draw up the ISCCC’s platform for the election on October 19.

Closer to the election, we will hold a candidates’ forum, at which you will hear from the people standing for election.

But first we would like to be ready to put our own priorities to the candidates and their parties, before their ideas are set in concrete.

Our next public forum, to be held on 26 February will give you the opportunity to contribute your own views before we start work on the ISCCC’s priority list.

There will be discussion starters from local experts, with sessions on planning, the environment, transport, and anything else you want to raise.

The meeting will be held from 7pm at Eastlakes Football Club, 3 Oxley Street Griffith..

Please register here.

We hope to arrange an on line option for those unable to attend in person.  We are still working on this.  Details will be circulated closer to 26 February.