To preserve and improve the social, cultural, economic and environmental well being of Inner South Canberra and the Inner South Canberra Community.

ISCCC Newsletter August 2023

As we see the wattles and other trees blooming, we issue our last newsletter for winter 2023.

 Link to record of 8 August public meeting and presentations

We have uploaded the record of, and presentations made at, the ISCCC’s public forum on 8 August to the ISCCC’s website at:

 North Woden residents’ event, 26 August, re-Referendum on the Voice to Parliament

North Woden and other residents, faith groups and environment groups are meeting to show support for the Voice to Parliament.  Find out more at:

 Have Your Say by 12 September on ACT Government’s Integrated Energy Plan

The ACT Government released the “Our Pathway to Electrification” Position Paper in August 2022, which outlined why the ACT is transitioning away from fossil fuel gas and provided a proposed pathway to get there. The Integrated Energy Plan (IEP) will set out that pathway. Find out more at:

 Telopea Park School Centenary exhibition, CMAG Museum until 1 October

Congratulations to Telopea Park School on its centenary on 11 September! Visit the free exhibition   to celebrate the centenary at the Canberra Museum and Gallery in Civic Square.

 Have your say on ACT Heritage Jurisdictional Review by 13 October

Phase one of the ACT Heritage Jurisdictional Review has involved exploring best practice models for heritage laws, frameworks and arrangements from other jurisdictions and proposing a suite of reforms for the ACT. Community input is now being sought on these proposed strategic reforms, and to inform the development of an Action Plan.

Provide feedback via the online community surveys or targeted stakeholder workshops.

 Overwintering Project Art Exhibition, 9 September-28 October

The opening will be on Tuesday 12 September, 5-7pm at the Megalo Print Studio21 Wentworth Ave, Kingston. The works have been inspired by migratory shorebirds and their non-breeding habitat in Australia and New Zealand, and the new works created by members of the Megalo Print Studio are inspired by the Latham’s Snipe and its habitat at the Jerrabomberra Wetlands. 

 Friends of Narrabundah Wetlands – Shout-out for Volunteers

The Narrabundah Wetlands is a popular reserve off Matina and Goyder Streets in the area known as Old Narrabundah. The Friends of Narrabundah Wetlands is a volunteer group under the Old Narrabundah Community Council (ONCC) and is also supported by the Molonglo Conservation Group. The Friends of Narrabundah Wetlands conducts workshops, planting and weeding activities to protect this valuable community asset. If you are interested in helping out with any of these activities please contact:

 Kingston and Barton Residents Group August newsletter

See the latest August newsletter from the Kingston and Barton Residents Group

 ACT Government Environment and Planning Forum bulletin

Here is an update from the ACT Government on planning and environment issues:

 Update on Brickworks Precinct development

A copy of the public presentation materials presented by developer Doma at the community meeting in July 2023 are available for download via the website below, along with a link to the approved Environmental Impact Statement.

Public Presentation:


 Update on East Lake

Community feedback is captured in a community engagement listening report, which can be found online at:

The next steps are to finalise the East Lake Place Plan and technical assessments by the end of 2023. They will inform the preparation of an amendment to the Territory Plan anticipated to commence in late 2023. Further community consultation will be undertaken for the amendment to the Territory Plan.

 Update on Kingston Arts Precinct

Three unique precinct concept design studies have been produced and engagement workshops held with arts organisations, a community panel, ACT directorates, First Nation representatives and the broader community. The workshop sessions shared and discussed the precinct concept studies and the next step will be the formal recommendation of one precinct concept option for development in the Estate Development Plan and Architectural & Landscape design stages.

Updates will continue through our Your Say platform at this link.

 Access to NBN

The ISCCC and the peak body for community councils, the Combined Community Councils, are interested to know if you are you satisfied with the speed and quality of your NBN service? Do you use something else for your Internet connection? Please let us know at . Canberra has the poorest quality metropolitan NBN compared to other areas of Australia, and isn’t getting its fair share of a national NBN upgrade program.

•   The national goal for the NBN is to provide gigabit-capable connections to 90% of dwellings in Australia. Currently, the ACT is unlikely to achieve 60% of dwellings connected to the NBN.

•   Queanbeyan has much better quality NBN infrastructure than Canberra.

Your feedback will help inform the ISCCC and CCC whether greater advocacy is required.

 Marea Fatseas


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