To preserve and improve the social, cultural, economic and environmental well being of Inner South Canberra and the Inner South Canberra Community.

Record of Public Forum – 8 August 2023


1. An overview on urban planning for liveability and climate change

Emeritus Professor Barbara Norman, Urban and Regional Planning, University of Canberra, Chair of National Urban Policy Forum, author “Urban Planning for Climate Change”.

2. HOW Missing Middle redevelopment has been delivered before and what’s needed now.

Richard Johnston, retired urban planner and architect, and President of the Kingston and Barton Residents Group.

3. Case Study: precinct scale redevelopment at Dairy Road, Fyshwick

Wade Bartlett, Senior Development Manager, Molonglo

4. Lessons from Mr Fluffy and other upzoning initiatives

Marea Fatseas, David Denham, Beatrice Bodart-Bailey

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