To preserve and improve the social, cultural, economic and environmental well being of Inner South Canberra and the Inner South Canberra Community.

Have Your Say By 3 March 23 On The Territory And District Strategy

The ISCCC has drafted the attached recommendations in response to the ACT Government’s draft Territory Plan and District Strategy, which will have far-ranging impacts on the inner south and Canberra in the years to come.

The ACT Treasury has just released its latest population projections, which indicate that the population of the inner south may increase by over 80 percent by 2060. Check out what it says about the likely population growth in your suburb at:

It is very important that you have your say at this critical time in the development of the proposed new planning system, so that we can ensure it meets the needs of the community.

Your submission doesn’t need to be long, It could focus on issues of most interest to you, whether it relates to governance, accountability, on whether the suggested investigation areas in Fig 36 of the Draft Inner South District Strategy are appropriate, or whether heritage and environmental issues have been given sufficient consideration, and so on.

You could draw on the attached draft ISCCC recommendations for ideas. You could look again at the record of the ISCCC public forum on 7 February and the presentations and feedback provided there:

You can find more information, provide your feedback and upload your submission at:

The ISCCC would also welcome receiving a copy of your submission on You could copy it as well to your local members of the Legislative Assembly for the electorate of Kurrajong, except for Deakin and Yarralumla residents who are in the electorate of Murrumbidgee:

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