To preserve and improve the social, cultural, economic and environmental well being of Inner South Canberra and the Inner South Canberra Community.

August 2022 Newsletter

I hope you have been bearing up in our cold winter. It is great to see blossoms starting to come out!  This newsletter provides an update on recent and upcoming developments.

Hold the Date – ISCCC Public Forum 13 September 7-9pm
  • The ISCCC’s next public forum on 13 September will focus on light rail and urban intensification along the Civic to Woden corridor. This will be held at the Yarralumla Public School in Loftus Street in person and on Zoom.
    • To attend in person please register in advance on Eventbrite  Register Here
    • To attend online please register in advance on Zoom  Register Here
Recent submissions by the ISCCC
Your Say Surveys still open
  • East Lake Place Plan – closes 31 AugustThe ACT Government is engaging with the community to develop a place plan for the East Lake urban renewal area. The place plan will capture the community’s insights, priorities, and vision for the future. It will shape future urban renewal.  Find out more at: East Lake Place Plan | YourSay ACT
  • Kingston Arts Precinct – closes 4 SeptemberThe Kingston Arts Precinct will be a leading destination for visitors and locals to explore  contemporary visual arts and culture in the ACT. Complete the survey now to help the ACT Government finalise the Place Brief. Have your say on what outcomes you want from the Kingston Arts Precinct.  Find out more atKingston Arts Precinct | YourSay ACT  
  • Health –  expressions of interest and survey closes 9 SeptemberThe ACT Government seeks input from the community about integrated care and what integrated care solutions could benefit the ACT into the future. We all have the opportunity to provide input by completing the survey which closes 9 September.
University of Canberra Survey on Living Well
  • The University of Canberra’s Health Research Institute is inviting people living in the Canberra region to take part in a 10-minute Living Well in the ACT region survey by the closing date of 31 August 2022 at 11.59pm. Everyone who completes the survey is eligible to enter a prize draw to win one of 5 gift cards worth $200 each.

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