To preserve and improve the social, cultural, economic and environmental well being of Inner South Canberra and the Inner South Canberra Community.

Major concerns about ACT Government engagement with stakeholder groups on planning issues

Attached is correspondence relating to the concerns of the Inner South Canberra Community Council about ACT Government engagement with stakeholder groups on planning issues, and proposed actions for helping to re-establish confidence.

We have now received a reply from the Planning Minister offering us an opportunity to meet with him, which we will take up. Unfortunately, the letter does not respond to our second suggested action, namely:

In relation to the Manuka to Foreshore Precinct, we call on you to work with the ISCCC, member groups, and other Government agencies, to flesh out an holistic approach to planning in this [Manuka] precinct, including by addressing issues raised by participants in the ISCCC’s April 2019 public forum on Planning for Manuka to the Foreshore.

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