To preserve and improve the social, cultural, economic and environmental well being of Inner South Canberra and the Inner South Canberra Community.

Deakin and Yarralumla To Be Moved to Murrumbidgee Electorate

The ISCCC is disappointed about the decision to move Deakin and Yarralumla from the inner city electorate of Kurrajong to the electorate of Murrumbidgee which covers Woden, Weston Creek, Molonglo Valley and part of Kambah . These new electorate boundaries will apply for the 2020 ACT election.

The ISCCC, and its member residents groups, the Deakin Residents Association (DRA) and the Yarralumla Residents Association (YRA), had all lodged submissions objecting to the proposed move. Indeed, all of the submissions, except the one from the Liberal Party, objected to the proposed move. As many of the issues of concern to Deakin and Yarralumla residents are common to other inner south suburbs, especially as we often deal with both the ACT Government and National Capital Authority, the ISCCC will continue to work closely with the DRA and YRA and to involve Deakin and Yarralumla residents in the ISCCC’s activities.

ISCCC Submission:

Commission Statement:


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