To preserve and improve the social, cultural, economic and environmental well being of Inner South Canberra and the Inner South Canberra Community.

Planning: Manuka to the Foreshore – 9 April 19

Come and participate in a conversation about future planning for Manuka through to the Foreshore, hosted by the Inner South Canberra Community Council.

The aims are to:

  • identify the areas, features and character that we value
  • identify key issues, challenges and opportunities
  • discuss what we, as a community, would like to do next

To set the scene and provide background:

  • Nick Swain will speak briefly on the area’s heritage (Nick is President, Canberra & District Historical Society, co-author of “Manuka-History and People. 1924-2014”, and committee member of Kingston and Barton Residents Group)
  • David Denham will provide an update on what developments are “on the boil” in the area. David is a committee member of the Griffith Narrabundah Community Association
  • We also hope to have a speaker who can address the issues of traffic and parking in the area.

At this stage, the proposed format for the evening is:

  • 7-7.30pm Introduction by ISCCC Chair Marea Fatseas, and presentations by 3 speakers.
  • 7.30-8.15pm Break-out session where participants have a chance to stand up, mingle with others, discuss and write down their views on what they value and what they would like to see retained or changed in the area.
  • 8.15-8.55pm Report back to the group as a whole, and plenary discussion on key issues and the way forward.
  • 8.55-9.00pm Other business and wrap-up by chair.

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