To preserve and improve the social, cultural, economic and environmental well being of Inner South Canberra and the Inner South Canberra Community.

Details Of Public Forum Tuesday 13th February 2018

Planning and Sustainability Ministers seek community views on how to improve housing choices and at the same time put the ACT on a path to zero net emissions by 2045

The ACT Minister for Planning and Land Management, Mick Gentleman MLA, will speak about the Housing Choices Discussion Paper

Can the ACT provide better housing choices to meet the needs of residents in the suburbs? Would you like to see more townhouses, terrace houses and dual occupancies in your suburb? What changes to zoning in your suburb would you support to improve housing choice? How could design outcomes for residential developments be improved?

The ACT Minister for Climate Change and Sustainability, Shane Rattenbury MLA, will speak about the ACT’s Climate Strategy to a Net Zero Emissions Territory Discussion Paper

This discussion paper proposes that we limit deforestation and increase living infrastructure like trees and other vegetation in urban areas. How can this be achieved at the same time as greater density in the suburbs as suggested by the Housing Choices discussion paper? Also, how can building and planning be improved to reduce energy use and emissions? What options should we consider for reducing household waste and diverting organic waste from landfill?

Following presentations by the Ministers, there will be almost an hour for questions from the audience. So come and put your question to the Ministers.

Note: We will keep questions/comments to a maximum of one minute to enable as many people as possible to have their say.

Public Forum Tuesday 13th February 2018. 7pm9pm at Eastlake Football Club, 3 Oxley St, Griffith.