To preserve and improve the social, cultural, economic and environmental well being of Inner South Canberra and the Inner South Canberra Community.

ISCCC Public Forum – 9 May 2017

When: 9 May

At: 7pm

Where: Eastlake Football Club

Main Items include:

  • Independent Integrity Commission
  • Transport Canberra Light Rail Team
  • Asbestos Response Taskforce


  •  7pm Introduction: Gary Kent, Chair ISCCC.
  • 7.01 Shane Rattenbury, MLA, Chair Select Committee on an Independent Integrity Commission.  Overview of the inquiry and terms of reference.
  • Panel
    • 7.10 Tony Harris, former NSW Auditor-General.
    •  7.17 Jack Waterford, former Editor-at-large at The Canberra Times.
  • 7.25 Q&A.
  • 8.00 Duncan Edghill, Deputy Director General Transport Canberra. Presentation on light rail stage 2 Civic to Woden.
  •  8.15 Q&A
  •  8.30 Lynette Marsh, Senior Communications and Engagement Manager, Asbestos Response Taskforce.  Update on the public sale process and information on what activities will be occurring in the Inner South.
  • 8.40 Q&A
  • 8.50 Wrap-up Chair ISCCC

 As the Agenda is very tight, this timetable will be strictly observed and a bell sounded if a speaker’s time is up.  For Q&A sessions, questioners will have 30 seconds.