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Former Auditor General calls for tenders on Manuka Precinct Development

The Canberra Times 28 March 2016

Former NSW auditor general Tony Harris says the ACT could squander a competitive advantage if it accepts an unsolicited bid to redevelop Manuka Oval.  More…

One comment

  1. Gina Pinkas

    Former Auditor, Tony Harris is spot on in his comments in the Canberra Times. if it is agreed to develop the site and surrounding Public Land, a competitive process for sale of any land identified would provide the best return to the people of the ACT. Direct sales to one proponent do not give the best return. There are some outstanding examples of this process not favouring the public purse.

    Any enhancements to the oval should be funded as part of the Government’s capital works program. Development in the area should be based on master plans, which consider broader issues and lnkages, not opportunistic proposals from a commercial proponent.

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