To preserve and improve the social, cultural, economic and environmental well being of Inner South Canberra and the Inner South Canberra Community.

GWS value heritage at Manuka

The Canberra Times letters to the Editor March 14 2016

The GWS Giants are acutely aware of the value of the heritage assets in the Manuka precinct, which is why they will all be kept and enhanced by the proposed redevelopment.

The organisation believes the best way to protect the heritage values is to design new components in a way that enhances and highlights the heritage values in the precinct, making them a feature of the newer development.

Employing design excellence to draw more attention to heritage values is the Giants preferred approach.

As a result, we have put in place a design competition between Australia’s best architectural practices under the auspices of the Australian Institute of Architects. The design competition will ultimately determine the detailed design for the precinct.

A key criteria for that design competition will be how the design responds to the need to protect and enhance the heritage values in the precinct.

I would welcome the opportunity to meet Marguerite Castello (Letters, March 10) or a group of your interested friends or colleagues to discuss further these matters.

Richard Griffiths, chief operating officer, GWS Giants

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