To preserve and improve the social, cultural, economic and environmental well being of Inner South Canberra and the Inner South Canberra Community.

Oaks Estate Master Plan: Comments requested

‘The ACT Government has released a draft Master Plan for Oaks Estate for public comment. Comments close 10 August 2014. More…

Long time resident Dr Karen Williams talks to the Queanbeyan Chronicle (see page 8) about the draft plan. More…


One comment

  1. David Turnbull

    Dear Sir , Madam

    As a home owner in Oaks Estate I value greatly the natural surroundings, peace and quiet of Canberra’s oldest suburb.

    When considering future planning for our suburb please could you include the following into your considerations:
    Traffic calming Railway street is urgently required. Please don’t let this twisting short cut from Queanbeyan to Canberra’s north continue to grow in traffic volume especially as it fronts a children’s play area and local park.
    Please can you provide a bicycle lane connection to the NSW Henderson road bike path. The bridge is dangerous and has no allowance for bicycles with a sharp turn required into fast traffic to access Oaks Estate via the railway bridge.. If this proves impossible then please consider an on road bike path addition to Railway street all the way back to its connection with the Norse road bike path.
    The level of industrial activity is rapidly increasing along the borders of the railway line as does the traffic. We have weekdays trucks unloading via forklift across one lane of Railway street from 5am which I fear may result in serious accident.
    As we live next door to a proposed multiple townhouse development (1-7 Florence street) I am concerned about the already pressured sewerage system (being downstream as it were and on three ocassions in as many years witnessing its waste pump out by ACT sewerage workers late at night). Perhaps you can advise as to any proposed remedial action in this regard.
    I can only stress how much we trust you and your colleagues to provide a similar level of environmental protection and access as is applied elsewhere within the A.C.T.

    Thanks for your time

    David Turnbull
    9 Florence street
    Oaks Estate
    ACT 2620

    mobile 0401142166

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