To preserve and improve the social, cultural, economic and environmental well being of Inner South Canberra and the Inner South Canberra Community.

Chairman’s Column March 2014

Quality urban planning is high on the Inner South Canberra Community Council list of  priorities. The inner south must address many challenges if it is to retain its status as one of the best places to live in Canberra. These include the push for densification, ageing infrastructure, transport pressures, loss of community land and our built heritage, the list goes on.

We will be holding a public forum to discuss these issues at 7-9pm on Thursday 27 March 2014 at Eastlake Football Club, 3 Oxley Street, Griffith. According to the ACT Territory Plan, a general principle of sustainable development is that planning processes and decisions focus on achieving economic vitality, community wellbeing, and environmental quality. What does this mean in practical terms in planning for our suburbs? Are there clear and simple rules that we can use to assess whether proposed developments are sustainable? How can we include such rules in new local plans for our suburbs (called Precinct Codes)?

Our expert speakers will be:

  • Barbara Norman, Foundation Chair, Urban and Regional Planning, University of Canberra, Chair of the ACT Government’s Climate Change Council;
  • Andrew McKenzie, Assistant Professor Landscape Architecture, University of Canberra;
  • Hamish Sinclair, ACT Board Director, Planning Institute of Australia, Representative of the ACT Environment and Sustainable Development Directorate.

After a short talk by each speaker, there will be plenty of time for questions and audience discussion. Please come along and have your say about how we should plan for our suburbs to be sustainable.

For further information see our website or contact me on 0419 854 211

Gary Kent

Chair, ISCCC

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