To preserve and improve the social, cultural, economic and environmental well being of Inner South Canberra and the Inner South Canberra Community.

Book launch “Moments from Red Hill”

There was quite a crowd at the book launch of “Moments from Red Hill” on 12 December 2014 at the Red Hill Lookout restaurant.

“Moments from Red Hill” is a celebration of the wild native flora and fauna living on the Red Hill Reserve, through poetry, line drawings, colour photographs, stories and nature notes.

This 88 page book is a collaboration between local poet Paul Williamson and the Red Hill Regenerators. It includes 48 poems and 32 tanka poems about Red Hill, its animals and plants, history and seasons. The poems are accompanied by 22 nature notes providing quirky facts and stories about Red Hill’s wildlife, 13 exquisite line drawings of some of the plants and animals found on Red Hill, and 16 colour plates containing over 50 photos of Red Hill’s birds, butterflies, spiders, grasshoppers lizards, plants, trees, landscapes and rocks.

“Moments from Red Hill” is published locally by Belgrove Press and can be purchased for $15, or four for $50. Buy your copy from The Red Hill Regenerators

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