To preserve and improve the social, cultural, economic and environmental well being of Inner South Canberra and the Inner South Canberra Community.

Chairman’s Chronicle Column

The next meeting of the Inner South Community Council will be held at the Eastlake Club in Griffith at 7pm on Thursday 18 July.  The agenda will include a presentation on the new developments proposed for Manuka Oval, a discussion of the findings of the recently-released Atlas of Canberra’s Health in relation to the inner south, and an update on our work to reform the problem of exempt developments in Canberra which has been the subject of much community concern in recent months.

At our last meeting on 30 May we welcomed Shane Rattenbury MLA as our special guest in the first of our ‘Meet the Local member Meetings’. Many residents took the opportunity to raise matters of local concern with Mr Rattenbury at what was a very successful and well-attended forum.

I attended a meeting of the Combined Community Councils of Canberra at the weekend, where representatives of our individual councils met to discuss matters of common interest. Topics covered implementation of 2012 election promises on planning, including more consultation with local residents, the need for faster bus routes and proposals to achieve a more representative and effective Legislative assembly. I will keep you in touch with the Government and Opposition responses to these and other  issues.

Finally, the ISCCC would like to thank the retiring chief executive of the National Capital Authority, Mr Gary Rake.  Our Council believes there is an important and continuing role for the NCA, and that it is a vital guarantor of the heritage values and good planning in our part of Canberra.  Mr Rake was always accessible and helpful and we wish him well in his new position.

Gary Kent
