To preserve and improve the social, cultural, economic and environmental well being of Inner South Canberra and the Inner South Canberra Community.


The ISCCC was formed in 2010 to provide a unified and strong voice for the residents of Inner South Canberra. The ISCCC supports the activities of Inner South Canberra residents’ groups and the Committee includes representatives of each group.

The ISCCC is formally recognised by the ACT Government as the peak community representative body in Inner South Canberra representing the interests of the local residents and the communities. The ISCCC receives funding from the ACT Government as the peak community representative body in inner South Canberra in order to undertake the following activities:

  1. communicate to the ACT Government the views, expectations and concerns of community members;
  2. encourage the community to participate in Community Council activities; and
  3. hold community meetings that are:
    1. held once a month (except for December/ January);
    2. held, as far as possible, at a consistent location and on a consistent day of the month;
    3. open to the public; and
    4. publicly advertised